Saturday, March 28, 2009


Stretching with Daddy
Ahhhh warm towels

34 weeks!! Its getting close!!


Brayden loves the fish at the doctors office. Everytime we go, he runs over and stares and stares. He also loved the fish at the aquarium at the zoo. So, I decided he needed a fish tank. He LOVES his fish!! They are the first thing he wants to look at in the morning and the last thing he looks at night. If I can't locate him, he can definately be found standing on his stool watching his fish swim around.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Part 4

Yay for the Penguins!!

Sharks and fish

This person was cleaning the tank, and
would wave at Brayden. I'm not sure what
he thought but it was fun to watch!

The aftermath of our first Zoo trip!!

Part 3

More Gorillas

Yammering about the gorillas

Enjoying some fish


Family Day Part 2

And Zebras (which you can't see)

Elephants, which were fun until one
yelled and scared Brayden half to death!!

Some huge fishies

Gorillas, which were Brayden's favorites

Family Day!!

Today we had a wonderful family outting at the Pittsburgh Zoo. It was Brayden's first time, and I think he quite enjoyed himself!! We will definately be going back several times through out the summer. Come for a visit and perhaps we'll take you too!!
He could hardly contain his
excitement on the way there!

Yay! We're here!!

We saw lions

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ready for bed

Saturday, March 7, 2009

New videos too!

New pictures

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm guacamole

Give me more!

Hello there!

Strike a pose!

Stud Muffin

Monday, March 2, 2009

I've been slacking...

...but I swear its for good reason. Brayden and myself have been pretty sick for just over a week now. I've been trying to rest up and tend to him as much as possible. Being sick with a sick toddler and being 8 months pregnant is really hard!!! I promise to add some vidoes and new pictures as soon as we're feeling better!!!