Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fun at the tot lot

A boy and his dog

Porch fun

We blew bubbles

Played golf

Waved at the trash truck

Played with Buddy

And watched for airplanes

Spring has sprung!

We have had the most beautiful weather the last two days!! We were able to get Brayden outside for some fresh air and lots of walking. Today we took a walk with Maw-maw and Buddy and picked up rocks and looked down at the bridge and river. It was great fun!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Park fun

More eggs

Easter Egg Hunting

Easter basket fun

When my sister and I were young, our parents started a tradition of hiding our Easter baskets. I started the tradition with Brayden this year, but silly me, missed him actually finding it. He sure had fun looking at all his treasures though!!

A bunny and some stickers
A fun toy

Bendy bunnies
He really liked the bunnies

Showing Maw-Maw his treasures

Sunday, April 12, 2009

More Easter!!

Happy Birthday Maw-Maw!
Fun with stickers

Lookin at Grandpa's belt buckle
What a great lookin crew
Me and Grandpa

Happy Easter!!

There will be a lot more pictures added, but for now this will have to do. My inlaws came yesterday and we took Brayden to the park. He had so much fun, we're going back today with my parents. Here is a nice family shot I wanted to share.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

36 weeks!!

I can't belive I'm already a month off from my due date!! Time has gone very quickly with this pregnancy!! I had my appointment this past Tuesday and all is well with little AJ. Her heart rate is still strong, my blood pressure is still nice and low and I am still about 2cm dialated!!! I was so afraid of reverse dialation because she had started to rise back up...but thankfully that didn't seem to affect anything. She is now dropping lower and lower again. I swear every day I wake up, she is a little lower than the day before. The drs still do not think I will actually make it to my due date, which at this point is fine by me!! My main goal was to make it to Easter, and it looks as though that is about to happy...Though I must admit I wouldn't mind if I went into labor this weekend, as my parents will be here for a visit. I think it'd be good timing!! Time will tell though! I go back to the dr on Monday if she doesn't arrive before then. I think Brayden is getting excited. EVERYTHING is "baby, baby, baby" to him lately. Perhaps he knows something I don't...and can sense labor coming...I have heard from several friends their children did the same thing not long before delivery so who knows!! Here are a couple pictures. Enjoy!!

Brayden loving on his baby
36 weeks

For giggles, the difference a month makes 32 weeks

A few more pictures

Such a happy boy!

Our little homeboy

Like his mommy....he can
fall asleep anywhere!!

New pictures

I think he was trying to hide
First PB&J
Not so sure

Yeah, he didn't dig it.