Sunday, May 24, 2009

And now some Brayden

First time using a water fountain
He loved itCome on, gimme a kiss!!
He's such a creative guy. He used my shoes as
chairs for his stuffties.

Need an AJ fix? Well here ya go!

Well, she doesn't do too much but sleep just yet, but she's still cute as a button!! She is starting to hold her head up longer and has begun to push her butt up in the air if she's laying on your chest on her belly!! She's got some strong little leggies!!!

She could pass for Brayden in this picture!

Jiggly bridge

The Kids Kingdom had a jiggly bridge. Brayden loved running across with his Daddy!!


The meerkat exhibit was pretty cool. There was a tunnel underneath that you can crawl through. There were a couple places that had windows or glass domes you could poke your head up through and watch them. Brayden seemed to enjoy the little critters. Or, did he just like the tunnel? Who knows!


The child LOVES fish. Everywhere we go that there is a fish tank, he is happy as a clam. All he says is "Shish! Shish!" (This includes the dr's office, where they have a huge salt water tank!) We spent quite a while at the aquarium.

The Zoo, take two!

It was a beautiful day yesterday so off to the zoo we went. It wasn't supposed to get quite as warm as it was HOT!! We ended up changing Brayden from his t-shirt to his tank top and stripped AJ down to just her onesie...which we left unbuttoned at the bottom so she could air out. She slept just about the entire time we were there!! We found a really cool part of the zoo that wasn't open last time. Its called Kids Kingdom. You actually walk through the animals' habitat on paths. We saw deer up close and personal, and some kangaroos, among other things. They also have a play area with slides and tunnels to crawl through. We are going to do that part of it next time, as it was the end of the day, Bray took his shoes off and we were all tired and hungry. Next time we'll go and spend the day in the Kids Kingdom. Anyways, here are some pictures from our day!!

AJ's first trip to the zoo!!

We just arrived, you can tell it was hot!
Up close and personal with the deer

Pointing at who knows what

Saturday, May 16, 2009

AJ pictures

Hangin out in Mommy's
bean bag chair.
She loves to sleep on her belly

First bath at home
Washing her own hair!!
She was talking to Buddy

Brayden pictures

Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
eatin his ner ners.
Now we're watching Goldfinger...
a Bond fan already!
Perhaps a future soldier?
He loves to swing in his sister's
swing. He'll push himself with his
feet and then pick them up and let it go.
Play-doh fun

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Annaliese Jean Witmer

Well, after much anticipation, waiting impatiently, Annaliese finally decide to grace our family with her presence. On Friday, May 1, 2009, I started having some signs of labor around 5:00 or so. We pretty much all figured they would fizzle out, but thankfully they kept going and going until our little bundle of joy came into the world. Annalise Jean was born May 2, 2009 at 2:56am weighing in at 7lbs 2oz and 20 1/2 inches long. She is perfect in every way!! As I'm typing this, she is stirring in her crib so I will have to continue later. For now, a couple pictures to hold you over!!

Meeting Mommy

Proud Parents

Maw-Maw's first hold

First Family Picture

Grandpa's first hold