Thursday, July 30, 2009

New Videos

Baby Dancer

Children's Museum

Lil Helper

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Brayden being artsy

Brayden got ahold of the camera the other day and started snapping random pictures. Here are a few of his shots! Perhaps he'll be a photographer when he grows up.

What is this?

I'm pretty sure its an extreme

closeup of his eyeball!

My lil Hambone

Some new Anna pics

New Park cont...

Can you spot Brayden?

With one of his favorite things.

One of the fun bridges

He made a friend, Jacob

New Park

Here (finally) are the pictures from our day at the awesome park we found. This thing is HUGE and Brayden had a blast!!

New Videos of Brayden

Saturday, July 11, 2009

One little monkey running on the bed...

He fell off and cracked his head!!

Now, for the story! Abel was getting ready to take the dog out for a walk...which is one of Braydens favorite things to do. He gets too hyper and excited sometimes, and runs around on the bed, never heeding our warnings he was going to fall. Well today, it happened. He got caught up in a pillow and smashed his head into the corner of my nightstand. The very sharp corner. Off to the ER we went!! Three hours and two stitches later we were home again. He had a popcicle and is now resting. He was quite a little trooper, let me tell you. He was entertaining people in the waiting room, galloping (which he just learned to do this week) around like a crazy man. We got him to the room and darnit the little bugger stood up on the bed as if he was going to run again. I explained to him that was the reason why we were there in the first place, because that was how he got his boo boo. I took Anna back out to the waiting room while he got his stitches. Abel said he did really well. He cried a lot, but mostly because of being restrained on the 'big hug' board. They said he probably doesn't have a concussion but to watch him just to be safe. I knew this day would come, but I really didn't expect it to happen before he was 2!!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Anna's got moves

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

We got to hang out with the Zeiders for 4th of July. We went to see Owen play baseball and then went to watch the fireworks and tailgate. Brayden had SO MUCH fun hanging out with Owen. He follows him around like a lost puppy! I didn't get any pictures of the two of them but here are some from the game.

Miss 4th of July

Enjoying some spiderman treats

Hanging with Daddy

Watching Owen play with Hannah

Friday, July 3, 2009

Photo shoot part 2

2 month photo shoot

I am so proud of how these pictures turned out. I hope you love them as much as I do!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

2 Months!!

Can you believe Anna is 2 months old?? I can't!! She has grown sooooooooo much in 2 months time!!
Three inches to be exact!! She is now 23 1/2 inches, 10 1/2lbs and her head circumfrence
is 16 inches!! Here is a videow that shows what she is doing with her time these days.

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