Tuesday, August 25, 2009

All smiles

Getting started early!

It would appear my kids are starting early...sibling love at its best!

Bray:Hi Baby
Anna: I'm not so sure about you

Bray: but I love you
Anna: I love you too
Bray: Does this hurt?
Anna: Take that Buddy.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Knoboel's Grove Videos

Knoboel's Grove

Ferris Wheel! He LOVED it!

He also liked the ladybugs
Hanging with Maw Maw

PaPa and Anna

Riding the fire trucks

Tree fun

The boys really like to play under the tree at Maw Maw and Papa's!
Anna hanging out
A stick!

Outta my way Brayden!
I gotta pop that bubble!
You cant see us!

A bonus shot of Anna and Rileigh

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Birthday Videos

We put Brayden's kitchen together the night before and had everything all set up for him to open presents. It was almost like Christmas morning watching him explore the kitchen and open his gifts. Even though he picked out his trucks the night before, it was all new to him when he opened everything up. He was so much fun and absolutely adorable to watch!!


Picking out some presents

THIS one!!

The loot

After opening presents

Fixing us some grub!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Birthday weekend

Brayden had a lot going on this weekend!! The Dugans came on Saturday to see us. Savannah was a little unsure at first but when she warmed up to Brayden, they had a blast playing!! Then on Sunday, we met up with The Dugans and The Zeiders at the zoo!! I think Brayden had a good time seeing his cousins and Savannah again. After the zoo, we went with the Zeiders to the Cheesecake Factory (A first for this Witmer clan and can we say YUM!) and met up with Grandmomo Witmer. Yesterday was Amy's birthday so we had a nice birthday dinner with her. Grandmomo got Brayden a new bedding set for his big boy bed. He loves the Cars movie! I think he's going to love it when we get it all washed and set up (and maybe it will help him want to SLEEP in HIS bed too!!) All in all, it was a GREAT weeked!! We finished it off this morning by doing cake with Brayden. Abel has to leave tomorrow on orders, so we decided to do the cake today with him here. I made him a fish blowing bubbles cake. We sang to him and blew out the candles. Then we gave him the cake to see what he would do. Last year he did NOT want to dig into it...we kind of figured it would be the same this year, as he hates to get dirty. However, he proved us wrong! He dug right in!! Granted, he had to be wiped off a few times, but he seemed to enjoy himself. LOTS and lots of pictures to be posted through out today. (And a few videos too) I have pictures not only from our fun weekend, but our week and MawMaw and PaPa's as well.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Fun with pictures

So I found out that I have a program on my computer I can do fun collages with. There are a few different styles but it was late when I found it so I only did the style in the blog header and below. I plan to play around with them more and get more creative but for now these will do. Enjoy!!