Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christmas decorating

Brayden LOVES being Mommy's helper these days. No matter what I'm doing, be it cooking, or cleaning or whatever he comes running "I hep you Mommy! I hep you." Decorating day was no different, so he got to help, lots!!

He wore this wreath as he "heped" for a bit.

This looks good here!

Just a liiiittle higher

Admiring his work

So proud of himself!!

Lovin on sissy

Random Brayden

He is actually sitting IN his desk drawer.
Luckily it catches and can't go out
any further, but hes been warned
about breaking it!!!

This was apparently the snowman's
birthday. He stuck the candles in the light
holes and kept singing happy birthday.
Sibling love...or is it? He looks
a little devilish, doesn't he??

Thanksgiving fun!!

We had a lot of fun getting ready for Thanksgiving this year!! We made paper turkeys and cooked together as a family. Brayden had a lot of fun getting into the spirit, even if he doesn't quite understand the meaning behind the holiday just yet.

This is actually his "cheese" face.

Gluing on a feather

The finished project

Making pumpkin roll!!

Look at that stuffing!! It turned

out great!!

Turkey injection

In it goes!! (and sadly I forgot the after picture

before it was carved up...but it looked good!)

Witmers and Zeiders families

The yummy spread

Anna even had a turkey dinner.
She sure gobbled it right up!!

Bray enjoyed his meal too

Friday, November 20, 2009