Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fall concert in the WV mtns!

Over Labor Day weekend, we went to my sister in law's in Morgantown. They had a concert Saturday evening at one of the state parks so we all went. It was a LOT of fun! The kids had fun dancing to the (Bluegrass) music. Anna unfortunately did not last the whole night and passed out, but Brayden on the other hand made it til we got him to the car. It was a fun night!!

Hannah's pop corn bag was
almost as tall as Anna!!

My little model, striking a pose

We did have his hat, but he
wanted to wear Anna's!

Water Fountain Fun!

After the baseball game, the Zeiders showed us this fun little water fountain near the stadium. We stripped the kids down and let them go at it. They LOVED it!!!

First Baseball game!

Air show

We took the kids to a little air show at the Beaver Airport. It was a lot of fun! They got to go on an "air plane ride" Brayden wanted NOTHING to do with it and Anna was all excited...but upon return, Anna was a mess and Brayden loved it!!

Random pictures from the last couple months

Happy (Belated) Birthday Brayden!!

I say "belated" because I have slacked off posting so much! I am sorry its taken me so long to update! Life sure has gotten busy with the kiddos!!! Brayden got to open his roller skates a couple days early, but the rest he opened on his birthday. Enjoy!!