Friday, November 2, 2007

Drum Roll Please......

Brayden LAUGHED!!! Not just a giggle, I mean a full out belly laugh!!! I was making a chirping noise to him last night and at first he jumped, and then he cracked up laughing!! I did it several times and he did it each time...well except for when his daddy was standing there. He could hear Bray laughing though. I was so excited I almost cried!!!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Something new every day

Brayden teaches himself something new every day, or so it seems lately!! Two days ago he realized he can make his head go side to side on PURPOSE!!! He does it all the time now. Its the funniest thing I have seen him do yet!!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Food update

Bray is eating more. Thank goodness!! He was still making himself gag on his cereal until about 3:00 this morning. I FINALLY got some in him and he slept like a champ. Ok, I guess I got it in him at like 2:30 cuz I went back to bed at 3. Anyways, he slept til like 9:00 this morning which was AWESOME. I was looking forward to sleep tonight but it looks like I have baby duty again. Abe has a stupid field trip tomorrow and has to be up early as if it were class. Grrr I'll be SO HAPPY when he's done with school!!
So we took Bray to the mall for trick or treat last night. I thought it would be more exciting than it was. I thought there would be a costume contest and was sadly wrong. We didn't go trick or treating because we just felt funny. "Trick or treat, our kid can't eat the candy but we can!" We sat on a bench and watched all the ghosties and ghoulies go by. This was THE YEAR for monkeys and lions. There were a few other babies there dressed up...but htey had older siblings so it made sense. Bray was by far the cutest (see photos below). There were several pumpkins and a lobster. The lobster was cute too. Ok I'm tired and going back to bed.

Cutest Tin Man EVER
He was SUCH a sport about it!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Bray actually slept the whole night through...again!! Yup, that's TWO nights in a row!!! Hopefully we'll go for 3 tonight. I really think the cereal is helping him sleep better at night. He's up to about a teaspoon of cereal plus anywhere from 3-5oz of milk! Today he had a full teaspoon plus 5 oz, and was hungry again less than 2 hours later...can we say GROWTH SPURT?? I think so!!
He is getting a lot more interactive with us and his toys. Yesterday he was having so much fun in his bouncer he almost bounced himself right out!! We didn't use to have to strap him in because he pretty much just laid there, but now we have to make sure we strap him in. He had bounced so much his feeties were hanging off the edge!! He looks at the toy bar a lot more. He LOVES the tree frog on it and will just stare at it and laugh and smile. Today he made another new noise. He had the cutest expression on his face like "Did that come from ME?" I could tell he was trying to make the noise again but couldn't because he started to get frustrated. Its so neat to see the changes day to day!! He is starting to do better at sitting up. I think its time to get a bumbo seat soon!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Two month check up

Well we had our two month check up yesterday. My little man is getting SO BIG!! He's up to 12lbs 2 oz and 23 1/2 inches long already!! He gained a pound and grew an inch in just 2 weeks!! He did very well with his shots. He screamed his head off with each one, but clung to mommy for comfort afterwards. I was surprised at how well he did after we got home. I know some babies get fevers and end up being fuss buckets the rest of the day, but not Bray!! He fussed until he fell asleep but when he woke up from his nap, he was good as new. I half expected him to act fussy today, but so far he's just a happy baby!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

First Blog!!

Ok, here is my first blog!! Brayden has his two month check up tomorrow!! I am scared as heck because Abel will not be able to go with us and Bray will be getting his first shots. I"ll give him some tylenol before we go, and hopefully that will help but I am NOT looking foward to it at all!!!

Bray has been kinda of fussy the past couple of days. Sometimes it seems like NOTHING I do can calm him down. Today when Abel got home from school, Bray and I were snoozing. He took care of Bray for about 3 hours so I could get some sleep. Bray's sleep schedule has gotten "off" and he's not exactly sleeping at night anymore. When I woke up, Abel told me "I finally undersand any you are so cranky sometimes when I get home. I felt like nothing I did would calm him down, he was just so fuss." It was nice that he FINALLY "gets it."
Bray is getting so big, so fast!! He was weighed a couple of weeks ago and was up to 11lbs 3oz!! He's started to out grow some of his clothes. Two of my favorite things on him no longer fit him and it makes me so sad! I want him to stay my lil tree frog forever!!!
Here are a couple of pictures of the little dude!! Enjoy!

Happy Halloween!!

Daddy and I at the pumpkin patch

I really don't like my car seat too much