Sunday, October 21, 2007


Bray actually slept the whole night through...again!! Yup, that's TWO nights in a row!!! Hopefully we'll go for 3 tonight. I really think the cereal is helping him sleep better at night. He's up to about a teaspoon of cereal plus anywhere from 3-5oz of milk! Today he had a full teaspoon plus 5 oz, and was hungry again less than 2 hours later...can we say GROWTH SPURT?? I think so!!
He is getting a lot more interactive with us and his toys. Yesterday he was having so much fun in his bouncer he almost bounced himself right out!! We didn't use to have to strap him in because he pretty much just laid there, but now we have to make sure we strap him in. He had bounced so much his feeties were hanging off the edge!! He looks at the toy bar a lot more. He LOVES the tree frog on it and will just stare at it and laugh and smile. Today he made another new noise. He had the cutest expression on his face like "Did that come from ME?" I could tell he was trying to make the noise again but couldn't because he started to get frustrated. Its so neat to see the changes day to day!! He is starting to do better at sitting up. I think its time to get a bumbo seat soon!!

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