Monday, February 23, 2009

A few new things

Well Brayden has started doing some more cute things. I know, surprise, right?! Seriously though! He is (and yes I know I'm biased) the cutest little boy ever...and here are a few more reasons why:
He will now pat the seat beside him on the sofa, bed or floor if he wants Mommy or Daddy to come sit by him.
He carries his baby (a doll we bought to show him how to be nice to his sister) around so gently, feeds her the bot-bot and gives her kisses.
He kisses Nigh-nigh Puppy and Bear very gently and then offers them his bot-bot.
He now leads us to what he wants to show us.
He loves to take us to his bedroom to play and show us what he can do.
He "knows" everything. (Ok, this one isn't new, but its still cute)
Every picture is La-la (Landon). It doesn't matter if its a baby or monkey, its still La-la.
He loves to rock out to the Hot Dog song, as well as just about any other song that comes on the tv or radio.
And I think the best thing of all, his new favorite phrase is "I luh eww" I'm hoping you can figure that out, but if not, its "I love you" and it melts my heart every time he says it, followed by his Schmookie little smile.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Spaghetti Face!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cup Talking

Look what else he got!!

Brayden in his new bed!!

Big boy in his boy seat!!

Finally!! Shrimpie is big enough for a
big boy, front facing carseat!!

29 weeks!!

Well I thought I'd update about Annaliese and myself. I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday, and things are going well. She is quite active!!! I think she's either going to be a black belt in karate or play for the US Women's Soccer team!! She is non stop!! I am loving every minute of it though (well as much as I can at least!). I go back in 3 weeks and after that starts my 2 week appointments! I can't believe I only have about 10 weeks left!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Park video

Brayden was such a big boy and went down the slide all by himself!! The first time, he kind of had to pull himself down with his feet because his boots made him stick. So we took off his boots, but he still stuck and had to pull himself down with his feet.

The Daddy took off his jacket and put it down, fleece side down. Brayden FLEW down the slide and it was a little too much. So, Daddy turned the jacket over. This speed was much better and Brayden loved it!!

Fun at the Park

Yesterday was GORGEOUS outside, so we took Brayden down to the park. He had such a good time on the swings and slide!

Brayden wore his fireman boots because
it was so muddy outside.

Once he got started, he
couldn't stop!!!

Climbing up to the slide

Checkin things out

Look at my big boy!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Where's Brayden?!?!

The other day, I couldn't exactly locate Brayden. I knew he didn't get out of the apartment, but he was no where to be found. Here's why.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Cereal anyone?

One of Brayden's most favorite breakfast choices is cereal with bananas in it. He loves his "mananas." Well, we kinda learned the hard way today NOT to walk away while he is eating them all by himself. I came back to find this yesterday morning. Now I know I shouldn't have laughed, but really...look at him. You would have too!


I might be in trouble

I think I need a bath now.

A boy and his dog

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My funny bunny

Last night I was playing scrabble on Facebook and Brayden saw my profile picture. He kept pointing to it, saying "Mama, Mama." So I decided to test him a little. I pulled up some pictures and he would point to me and say Mama and point to Abel and say Dada. So I pulled up a picture from our wedding and again, he pointed me and Abel both out. Then he pointed to my mom and said "Maw Maw" then he procede to point to my dad and say "Joe." Before we moved out of their house, Bray would walk around saying "Joe" over and over. It just cracked me up that he didn't say "Grandpa" or "Paw Paw" but he said Joe.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

More snow pictures

I took these the other day. They are my attempt at "photography." Didn't turn out as well as I would have liked but they aren't too bad.