Monday, February 23, 2009

A few new things

Well Brayden has started doing some more cute things. I know, surprise, right?! Seriously though! He is (and yes I know I'm biased) the cutest little boy ever...and here are a few more reasons why:
He will now pat the seat beside him on the sofa, bed or floor if he wants Mommy or Daddy to come sit by him.
He carries his baby (a doll we bought to show him how to be nice to his sister) around so gently, feeds her the bot-bot and gives her kisses.
He kisses Nigh-nigh Puppy and Bear very gently and then offers them his bot-bot.
He now leads us to what he wants to show us.
He loves to take us to his bedroom to play and show us what he can do.
He "knows" everything. (Ok, this one isn't new, but its still cute)
Every picture is La-la (Landon). It doesn't matter if its a baby or monkey, its still La-la.
He loves to rock out to the Hot Dog song, as well as just about any other song that comes on the tv or radio.
And I think the best thing of all, his new favorite phrase is "I luh eww" I'm hoping you can figure that out, but if not, its "I love you" and it melts my heart every time he says it, followed by his Schmookie little smile.

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