Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christmas decorating

Brayden LOVES being Mommy's helper these days. No matter what I'm doing, be it cooking, or cleaning or whatever he comes running "I hep you Mommy! I hep you." Decorating day was no different, so he got to help, lots!!

He wore this wreath as he "heped" for a bit.

This looks good here!

Just a liiiittle higher

Admiring his work

So proud of himself!!

Lovin on sissy


Anonymous said...

Good Job, Bray! Such a good helper!

Val said...

he's in such a cute age!

Nicola said...

He's such good helper! way to go Bray! I tried getting Amaiya to help decorate the tree but instead she helped in breaking stuff :)

Becca Witmer said...

Haha Nicola, we finished our tree today and Brayden keeps bringing me ornaments.