Friday, January 30, 2009

Playing in his room

Here are a couple videos of Brayden in his very own bedroom. He loves to go in there and play!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow, beautiful snow!!

We ended up getting some snow after all. It started off slow and quickly turned into blizzard like conditions...and then slowed down a little. Thankfully Abel made it to work safely, but it took him forever!! I took a few pictures off of my balcony of the scenery around us. I love how no matter where you are or what is around, you can actually hear the snow hitting the ground. It is so quiet and peaceful. While I was outside, the wind was picking up and you could hear the ice on the tree branches as they were blowing. It sounded like an icicle windchime. Nature can be truly beautiful at times.


Watching the big kids snowboard.
Snoozin on my bean bag.

Bathtime fun

Sunday, January 25, 2009

First Saturday in our new home.

Daddy and I had a couple projects to work on yesterday.

Here are some pictures of what we did!
First we cleaned up the mess the cable
guys left. They used 20' of cable
but only needed 1'!!
Then Mommy asked us to free up some
space in my closet, so we got out my
fire truck and played. I love it!

Then it was time to dance on my frisbee.

After that, we organized the wires under Daddy's desk.

Finally, I helped him run the internet

wire around the living room to his desk.

After all that, I sure was tired, so we went to bed. I had fun with Daddy yesterday!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Mmmm Pizza!!!

Brayden LOVES pizza. Tonight I decided to give him a whole slice and see how he does. He did really well! He is such a big boy sitting there, eat it all by himself!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

More snow fun

Toasty warm!
Mommy's Turn!
Wheeeeeeeeeeeee (again!)

All by myself!

Snow Angel 2009

Not much, but just enough

Snow, that is!! We got to go sledding today! Brayden had a total blast. He even got to go down (a tiny hill) by himself twice. I think we might have a snow bunny on our hands!!

Walking to the hill

Ok, it was too far. Caught a ride

Here we go Daddy!!


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Some playtime fun

Today we had to run some errands which led us to the mall. There is a nice little play area for kids to let some extra energy out and have a good time. We decided to let Brayden have some fun so we took his little shoes off (its a spongey carpet and no shoes are allowed for safety) and let him have his fun. There are a couple slides, a boat and a ladybug the kids can play on. It looks like plastic material but its kinda strange material. Its not hard but its not soft, safe for the kids to play on. Well Brayden had a ball running all over, playing with other kids, going down the slides buy himself. He had the biggest grin on his face. We let him play for about a half hour or more and he just ran and played the whole time. His favorite thing was a slide made to look like a waterfall with rocks on the sides. Here's a couple pictures!

Getting Ready!!

That was fun!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

We just want some snow here!!

Well we are still at the hotel...however that will be changing tomorrow/Monday. The weather hasn't been cooperating too well, as we've had some ice and snow. I have been hesitant to stay over there too long while Abel is at work because the hill coming up out of our building is rather steep. I can totally see myself getting stuck or sliding back down. I'll have to take some pictures of it when the camera decides to work again. We were to get a lot of snow this weekend, so we went last night and got a cheapie sled. Our complex has lots of hills we can take Brayden sledding on, several just outside our building. I was all excited at the prospect of his first sled ride, however it has now turned to just rain. No doubt the snow will be gone if it keeps up. I had gone over to the apartment this morning to feed and take Buddy out and play with him a while. It was snowing here at the hotel very lightly...but over by the apartment, it was snowing really hard. The roads were all snow covered and it was just beautiful, but by the time I left it was sleeting. Sadly that's even changed over to rain...not that I really want it to be icy out but still. Maybe it will change back over to snow before its all done. We shall see!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Moving is taking forever!!

Well for those of you who don't know, we had a set back in the settling-in process. The night I finished up Brayden's room, he and Daddy were playing while I was getting the kitchen unpacked. Abel said he smelled urine on the carpet. Now, since living at Mom and Dad's, Buddy has become 100% housebroken...however had scented twice. I told Abel there had to be something in the carpet, and sure enough, he confirmed it. This caused us great concern, not just because of the potential for Buddy to really ruin it, but because of Brayden's asthma. We had noticed he had become more wheezy since we had been spending time there and now we know why. Long story short, the complex agreed to replace our carpet. Abel went over this morning and helped the carpet installers move the furniture around and stuff. All of the hard work and progress we had made, we had to undo with the help of Abel's brother, Kevin and his girlfriend Carrie. We packed the bathroom (literally, you cant see the toilet!) stuffed the kitchen and filled the porch (tarped the boxes of course) with all of our boxes and posessions. Abel said the install went rather well and now we have nice new carpet, that is safe for Brayden to play on and Buddy won't scent on. So, now if the weather changes (its currently snowing) I will get to start all over tomorrow morning. Yay!! We hope to be actually living in the new place next week. I will update with more pictures as soon as we get things squared away over there!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

More pictures

Entering Brayden's room

Brayden's room

(Little linen closet is behind the door)

Master bedroom

Living room

The sight I saw the first time I walked in

Our little kitchen

Finally updating!!

I appologize that its taken so long!! For those that may not know, in August, Brayden and I temporarily moved in with my parents while Abel stayed with his until his military orders went through in October. At that point, he essentially moved into a hotel out near his base. We have been living apart until January 1, 2009!! We are finally back together as a family...what more could I ask for for the new year!? We are in the (painful) process of putting our apartment together. The following posts are pictures for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!!