Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Moving is taking forever!!

Well for those of you who don't know, we had a set back in the settling-in process. The night I finished up Brayden's room, he and Daddy were playing while I was getting the kitchen unpacked. Abel said he smelled urine on the carpet. Now, since living at Mom and Dad's, Buddy has become 100% housebroken...however had scented twice. I told Abel there had to be something in the carpet, and sure enough, he confirmed it. This caused us great concern, not just because of the potential for Buddy to really ruin it, but because of Brayden's asthma. We had noticed he had become more wheezy since we had been spending time there and now we know why. Long story short, the complex agreed to replace our carpet. Abel went over this morning and helped the carpet installers move the furniture around and stuff. All of the hard work and progress we had made, we had to undo with the help of Abel's brother, Kevin and his girlfriend Carrie. We packed the bathroom (literally, you cant see the toilet!) stuffed the kitchen and filled the porch (tarped the boxes of course) with all of our boxes and posessions. Abel said the install went rather well and now we have nice new carpet, that is safe for Brayden to play on and Buddy won't scent on. So, now if the weather changes (its currently snowing) I will get to start all over tomorrow morning. Yay!! We hope to be actually living in the new place next week. I will update with more pictures as soon as we get things squared away over there!!

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