Friday, August 8, 2008

Picture time!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Moving Sale

Abe and I have decided we have TOO MUCH STUFF!!!!!!! We are trying to downsize as much as we can. So for the last week we have been going through all our posessions and re-sorting and pulling stuff out to sell and pricing and stacking and AHHHHHHH!!! I'm so ready for this weekend to be over its not even funny!! We are having our little sale all weekend. I just hope people come. And buy stuff. We put up signs yesterday and today and of course it stormed today and two of them got ripped down. I saved them and they are curretnly drying out so we can re-hang them tomorrow. Luckily I know people saw them, as we had some people come today hoping to shop. They promised they'd be back tomorrow though! We'll be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow and start setting up. I will update to say how it goes!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sappy and Sentimental

As I am sitting here typing, my big boy is in the jumperoo going nuts. It got me thinking...I remember back at Christmas when we put him in Landon's jumperoo and he just sat there and looked around. He was so tiny and his arms kept plopping down through the leg holes in the seat. Now I look at him an the darn thing is up to level 3, but needs to be on level 4...his legs look so long to me and his head is actually above the highest part of the seat. While he is still my lil Shrimpie, he is such a big boy!!
Last night I was gathering some things together to put in our upcoming yard sale. I had a big rubbermaid bin sitting on the floor, and I was going through his baby clothes. He had been scootching all over playing have a grand ole time...when all of a sudden I realize he was reaching down into the tub to get his ball out. The first time he stood up and I didn't even see him do it...just BAM there he was, standing!!! It just amazes me how fast the time goes. One minute he can't do anything for himself and the next there he is standing all on his own...and to think, this is just the beginning of his independence. He is such a smart little man too. He is going to be good with puzzles, I think. The other day he was playing with a water bottle and one of his baby bottles. He kept taking the nipple of his bottle and putting it in the opening of hte water bottle. He also takes his little plastic balls and sets them in the holes of his ring stackers. He seems very inquisitive and seems like he has to figure out how things work....takes after his Daddy that way. As long as it works, I could care less HOW it works. Abe is always watching shows on tv about how things are made or science stuff or whatever. I think Bray will like watching those shows with Daddy when he gets bigger (and hopefully it will get me off the hook so I don't have to). As much as I like to live in denial that he is still my little tree frog, I am slowly facing reality...he really is quite a big boy now.

Monday, August 4, 2008


WHOOT! Finally, the two top side teeth have poked through. The one on the left you can see and feel, and the one on the right you can just barely see. He is still working on one more on the bottom. Hopefully after that we'll get a little break for a bit. The tooth that came in two weeks ago is really popping through now. Its so cute to see him with teeth. It makes him look less like a little old man!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Birthday Planning In Progress

Well I went and picked out the cake. It is going to be awesome!! I'm not going to say what it looks like, you'll just have to be surprised. Yes, I'll put up lots of pictures. Mom is going to help me pick out the decorations and such. It is going to be a really nice party and I can't wait. I just hope the weather is nice so we can be outside...but if not, we'll make due!!

We didn't get to do much else we had planned yesterday. We got a couple of storms and it foiled our morning walk and swing at the park. I had planned on taking him when it cooled off later in the day, but not only did it just get hotter and hotter, but he got fussier and fussier. He is currently cutting 3 teeth so he'll be fine one second and miserable the next. I've been keeping up with tylenol and teething tablets and orajel, but they dont' seem to help too much this go round. He has been really trying hard to stand up. Yesterday, I hooked his little penguin toy on his table top toy so he would try to stand up and get it himself. Oh he got MAD. I thought good. Get good and mad, then you'll just do it. Yeah, didn't happen. He had is very first FULL BLOWN kicking and screaming temper tantrum. He was not a happy boy!! He eventually got over it and moved on though. Later in the night I was sitting on the sofa and he scootched himself over and was trying to pull up on the couch. Since its leather his hands kept slipping so I have him my fingers and he did pull up a few times. He would get so proud of himself and let go of my hands to clap and BOOM down he'd go. He'd look up at me like "Ma, what'd ya do that for?!" It was the cutest thing. I think we are going to make it to the park today. The weather isn't supposed to be too hot, all though it looks like rain. If not, Brayden will just have to help me clean. Ta for now!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

First Birthday, already?!

I cannot believe the time to start planning is near. Ok, its not near, its right here in front of me. I am going today to figure out his cake and start looking for party decorations. I've heard rumors that two certain grocery chains will do the baby cake for free, provided you display your child's birth certificate. I'll be checking into that one. Grammie offered to pay for it, but if they do them for free, there is no need! I dont know if you have to get another, larger cake there to be able to do that though, so if that's the case we're out. I am going to make the cakes for Brayden's guests. I have always wanted to be able to do fun things like that and be creative for my child's birthday and I finally have that chance. Not sure what exactly I"ll do yet, but I'm looking forward to it. Abe might get lucky. I might have to practice at least once before the big day.

As I type this it is getting ready to storm. For the second time today. I'm a bit bummed because I promised Brayden a swing at the park and swimming in his pool. I can't believe its only to be in the high 70's today. That's almost unheard of this time of year. Its actually a nice break from the humidity and overwhelming heat. Well I have no more thoughts at the moment.

Friday, August 1, 2008

First Beach Trip

Getting his feet wet
Daddy kept doing this all week.
I don't get the fun in it.

See! I don't get it at all

I loved the lazy river!

Family fun on the beach

Butt scootching

First hair cut!!

Its been too long.

I really need to do better about blogging. I was never any good at journeling either so we'll see how long this lasts. Brayden is getting so big. It is so unreal to me that I am planning his first birthday party. I just don't feel like its been (almost) a year already. He has already had his first haircut, back in June and is about due for another. He butt-scootches all over creation and is SO CLOSE to crawling. He is starting to try to pull up to stand. He is such a big boy...all 19lbs 29ish inches of him. Yes, he is my lil Shrimpie still, but I wouldn't have it any other way. He is the light of my life. So some new pictures are way past overdue....with out further delay...I'll put some pictures in the next blog.