Sunday, August 3, 2008

Birthday Planning In Progress

Well I went and picked out the cake. It is going to be awesome!! I'm not going to say what it looks like, you'll just have to be surprised. Yes, I'll put up lots of pictures. Mom is going to help me pick out the decorations and such. It is going to be a really nice party and I can't wait. I just hope the weather is nice so we can be outside...but if not, we'll make due!!

We didn't get to do much else we had planned yesterday. We got a couple of storms and it foiled our morning walk and swing at the park. I had planned on taking him when it cooled off later in the day, but not only did it just get hotter and hotter, but he got fussier and fussier. He is currently cutting 3 teeth so he'll be fine one second and miserable the next. I've been keeping up with tylenol and teething tablets and orajel, but they dont' seem to help too much this go round. He has been really trying hard to stand up. Yesterday, I hooked his little penguin toy on his table top toy so he would try to stand up and get it himself. Oh he got MAD. I thought good. Get good and mad, then you'll just do it. Yeah, didn't happen. He had is very first FULL BLOWN kicking and screaming temper tantrum. He was not a happy boy!! He eventually got over it and moved on though. Later in the night I was sitting on the sofa and he scootched himself over and was trying to pull up on the couch. Since its leather his hands kept slipping so I have him my fingers and he did pull up a few times. He would get so proud of himself and let go of my hands to clap and BOOM down he'd go. He'd look up at me like "Ma, what'd ya do that for?!" It was the cutest thing. I think we are going to make it to the park today. The weather isn't supposed to be too hot, all though it looks like rain. If not, Brayden will just have to help me clean. Ta for now!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Hi Becca! It's Lauren. Just wanted to say hi, and I found your blog through Annette. My blog is on her page if you want to check it out! Talk to you later!